While cold weather is just one season typically, it actually begins in the Fall. The transition from Summer to Fall is the biggest transition that your skin will experience throughout the year and it does require a change in routine.

Dry Skin Tips
Hydration, Hydration, Hydration is the key when weather changes from warm to cold. It’s easy to know when this time has arrived as your skin will start drying out like it wasn’t in the summer. This is the right time to make some changes to your skin care routine. You don’t have to change out a whole lot but you would want to change from a light moisturizer to a heavier one and even consider adding in a good hydrating serum. Additionally, you may want to change out your cleanser to something a bit more hydrating too. And if you don’t feel like you need all of this extra hydration every day then rotating products is a fantastic idea. You might wear a light moisturizer in the morning and a heavier one at night or rotate them every 2-3 days.
Additionally, cold weather is a perfect time to get back to your retinols if you have put them away for the summer. Retinols/Tretinoins are for both anti-aging, pigmentation and acne and for the same reasons. It’s out with the old skin and up with the new skin. Its continual cell turnover that wins the game. Many people will discontinue use of retinols in the summer due to sun exposure so now is a great time to get back on them.
On the subject of dry skin, the last thing I want to say about this is the importance of washing your skin every single night whether you wear makeup or not during the day. Just washing with a cleanser, patting dry the skin and applying a moisturizer before bed is the greatest gift you can give your skin for not only dryness but for overall anti-aging. But as it pertains to dryness, you will notice the difference in just one night. Your skin will be nice and dewy in the morning and this is your ticket to combatting dryness.
Best Time to come in and Dry Skin Treatment Options
As soon as the weather starts changing in the Fall is a great time to get in for a facial. This is just a way to rejuvenate your skin out of Summer and into Fall. A great microdermabrasion or oxygen facial will get you back to a much cleaner slate and prepare your skin for the change that is coming.
Additionally, this is the perfect time to come in for IPL Photo Facials to remove the pigment (reds and browns) that your skin picked up over the summer. IPL Photo Facials treatments are done less in the summer due to UV rays and the fact that you don’t want to take two steps forward and one step back with sun exposure as we are targeting pigment.
Other treatments that we do much more of in the cooler months are typically considered more aggressive such as lasers for skin resurfacing and deeper chemical peels. With UVB rays diminished in the cooler months, it’s the perfect time for these deeper treatments.
And always remember that this wonderful team offers free consultations for any service that you are interested in so should you have additional questions or want to schedule an appointment with us, we would love to meet you!
360-651-8343 (call or text)
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